投 擲 雞 蛋 事 件 本學年內已分別發現兩次(2005年3月及2004年11月)於深夜時份,有宿生向聚集於賽馬會廣場內宿生投擲雞蛋,幸沒傷及他人。 舍堂組對此甚表關注,此舉危及他人及宿生的生命安全。高空擲物屬刑事罪行,可被罰款HK$10,000及監禁6個月 (據現行簡易治罪第四乙條款第一節)。 顧及公德,切勿高空擲物,以免不愉快事情發生。 如有任何宿生於寂靜時段(晚上11時至早上7時)發現有嘈音滋擾,請致電3411 2664或34112665通知舍堂組保安。保安人員將儘快跟進,並於有需要時請示舍堂主任。 敬希垂注!多謝合作 二零零五年三月十六日 Dropping of Eggs from Height Dropping of eggs were found twice at mid-night throwing towards residents gathered at the Courtyard from residents in the Halls, took place in earlier this month and last November respectively. This kind of inconsiderate acts not only messes up the living environment but also endangers the lives of residents and passers-by. According to the Summary Offense Ordinance clause 4B, Section (1) “the person who drops that thing or allows it to fall commits an offence and is liable to a fine of HK$10,000 and imprisonment for 6 months”. Protect our living environment and lives, do not try to throw or dispose of any object from height. If you are aware of any noise disturbance in the open space during Quite Hours from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., please contact the security guard at 3411-2664 or 2665 for follow-up actions. The security guards will take prompt and proper actions against the reported cases; and when necessary, seek advice from the Duty Resident Coordinator. Your attention to the above matter is highly appreciated. 16 March 2005
我好多謝有關人仕做左我地都個個想做又唔敢做o既事,但係我可能會選擇向某個只係識二十四個英文字母o既人「投擲雞蛋」,或者向佢射翻譯死光(射d 翻譯「康」出黎<--因為佢一個打一百個),又或者由高空送陸生俾佢,等佢識多兩個字母。
do u know shc found those securior to tran for them?? that's ridiculous right?? that woman thinks she is good at tran tim, and go as far as asking me to introduce her to a tran com to work, total crap!
我都想"dropping of egg",可能因此而發達都未定
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