Friday, October 15, 2004


想了一個星期,to be 這個問題好像有點看頭。
你不覺得嗎?總是別人跟你說你喜歡什麼、你要什麼、你有什麼好。很久以前crazy room剛剛開業,引來一大群人跑到旺角中心掃貨,R小姐穿著一件胸口印著一大隻藍色閃粉蝴蝶的 t-shirt 跑來我家看世界盃。她又蹦又跳指著自己的 t-shirt說:這 t-shirt很queenie啊,還有背心的,你也買一件穿吧﹗

t : hey, how are you?
q: hey, i'm good.
t : are you still taking seven classes? That's insane. (q 心諗:係呀,我知啦,我有聽你話上個月drop左科drawing啦)
q : oh no. just six classes in school . But last month i was taking german (t : nice!), water color.......aaaaaa.......插圖........( t : 插圖係咩呀?)......aaaaa......a design class. (後來發現左插圖係illustration,突然唔記得左)
t : why do you take so many classes at the same time? (q : I dunno.) is that cheaper?
q : {thought : you can say that again} no. The first month when i first came back i was kind of laidback so i tried to find a summer job afterwards. I couldn't find any so i just started taking classes. I haven't expected to have so much to do at the same time. And my friend came to HK to visit too. So it's just.....
t : oh i see. Too much at the same time.
q : yeah. it's much better this month though, coz i've hand in most of my work. ( t smiled) but i am kind of worry about my bad performance last month. too much to do and not used to life in hk yet........
t : oh sure, i understand....
q : well, not only in your class, in all of my classes....
t : (interrupt) i am not at all worry about it (擺手). it's a...... global adjustment. ( q laughed --> global?)



Thursday, October 14, 2004

Racial/ cultural identity

今日的 《一分鐘無錯誤個人演講》(one minute error free speech) 我很喜歡自己的題目。其實我沒有想過自己會講得這麼不流暢,始終還是很怯場 (stage fright),很奇怪,這樣的演講我應該非常習慣,可能上月的表現的而且確對我的信心有很大影響。而且講這樣的題目讓我有點痛心疾首,其實我想說的意見太多,對於中國人的身份認同,流亡一年後感受良多。

There are numerous complaints on the broadcast of National Anthem video prior to the 6:30 news report. People said that it is brainwashing.
But please be reminded that when we were still under British sovereignty, we heard the British National Anthem every day. Why don't we have the same reaction to these two anthems?
And please be careful with the words used in the video: be connected to your home country, your mother land. They didn't use phrases like: please love your country. Instead, our mother is asking us to be connected with her, to admit our connection, at least to acknowledge that i am your mother.
When our mother reach out her embracing arms saying: please, come my child, i am your mother. In return we say: you senile, old, ugly lady. I don't want you. And we just turn and run away.
My cultural or racial identity has never been as vivid before i went to the States. Among all the caucasians, i knew that i am not one of them. I am a chinese. It's not the pigment i have in my skin and my hair, it's in my blood. No matter how much effort i've paid to explain to them that i am from Hong Kong but not China, nobody can really understand.
I have to admit that i'm a Chinese and that's what i am.

記得在英國跟一個印巴籍大學講師一起等巴士,他問我香港九七後回歸中國情況如何。我坦白告訴他很多人在怕得趕在九七前移民大逃難,怕共產黨把他們的資產收歸國有。四十年代以後的共產黨太可怕,那些整風、反右運動加上文革、紅衛兵,有誰不畏懼?九十年代中上層的香港人上一輩都是文革時期,由上海跑來的商家,二十年前僥倖逃過那場災劫,誰會冒這樣的險?這樣的想法我是完全理解的,看了《煙花三月》、"falling leaves" (落葉歸根)、《流言》和《最後的貴族》,那個喪心病狂、互相出賣、掐死知識份子的時代,中國人有理由相互仇恨。這比受文字獄更可憐,不斷批鬥、勞改反而叫你活著受罪,好些人空懷一身好武功。
而且那個不能tear off、剝離的概念對我也有很大影響。細心看一看自己,其實很多原素已經變成我身體的一部份,身體流著的血,不是我說抽離就可以。我的chineseness不可以;我的歷史也不可以。回想那篇speech,如果沒有國事學會,對身份認同我不會有這樣的切入點,我是要感謝這段歷史的。當我再重新投入香港的生活、再回到學校,才感受到兩年前,國事學會是如此佔據我的生活,甚至是我等於國事學會。由電腦的檔案、書本、家裡的廢紙,一切一切,我夠膽說到我死那一天,你仍然可以在遺物裡找到香港浸會大學國事學會的蛛絲馬跡。我再三說金盤洗手,但也知道根本不能抹掉那段記憶。我今天會說:那段時間沒有白費的,最少我知道我真的不是「國事人」。近期一點說去美國交流,我回來才知道自己改變有多大,如何不適應。再加上個人處理、適應方面出現嚴重問題,結果白白挨了幾個月苦日子。


Tuesday, October 12, 2004


在這裡大肆排毒以後跟不少人談過這個出路/出口的問題:在工作展望上是出路;人生路上是出口。似乎完全理解這個問題的人不多,大家都在想一些很實際、很實在的措施,但其實我在找尋的是方針、原則。這陣子我不斷回顧我的歷史(my life/ my history),過去人生二十年裡究竟幹過什麼豐功偉績。概略而言,在中三以前的日子都是嬰兒期,完全沒有「我想做什麼」的概念,而是「今朝有酒今朝醉」的放浪生活(放浪有限)。真正思考該算是中四開始,當時思考的主要是感情問題,而且是解決別人的問題多於幫自己走出死胡同。當時覺得「去日苦多」,經常失眠。中六至大二的日子,可以說是最不堪回首或得著最多的時光。記得大一有朋友問我會不會繼續辦學會,我斬釘截鐵說:「不了,還辦不夠嗎?」一邊說一邊回想高中辦學生會及其他學會的非人生活。我以往常常埋怨自己當時因為過份投入學會工作,而完全忽略學業,導致高考宣告失敗。現實是,我現在看到的只是結果,天知道如果我沒有辦學會又會如何,說「如果」是浪費文字。
那番話原來是詛咒。辦國事學會的日子,我可以說自己淪陷了。那一年半我的心一直在淌血,那時我還沒有能力去處理現實社會的人際關係,柴娃娃一窩蜂向理想勇敢前進(像共產黨宣傳品)已經不復再。到現在我發覺國事學會/ 國事學會十八屆幹事長跟我是明顯的資源錯配,我唯有金盤洗手。
其實「找自己」才是問題的重點。以嘗試態度去做的,已經太多,我認為是時間去想一個大概的路向。但一直沿用的 "fade-out"法教我極為難受,從身上剝開不喜歡的部份,看著那些灰灰黑黑的毒瘤離開同時,身上又餘下幾多?(還是我根本應該把這些毒瘤外化?)

附一:如聽到我說「很灰」、「很累」,請不要太認真,因為對我而言那些用字已變成開場白,跟tietie的 "interesting"一樣,「心o個句同講o個句」其實無甚關係。(當然不至於"interesting"那樣意思相反)我正想「 meet luck 佢。」


Saturday, October 09, 2004


Adeline的遭遇我同情,但這樣的故事情節很難教我不懷疑她不過跟Antigone一樣是一個drama queen:please love me, i am the most pitiful person in this world. (愛我吧,我是天底下最可憐的人) 當然Antigone比Adeline少一點軟弱,多一點英雄氣。如果說Adeline慘,倒不如是在她那個年代的女子,有多少比她好?她不過反映那個年代的勢態。

Where are you?

W.H.E.R.E A.R.E. Y.O.U. ?
I don't want to spend immense amount of time searching for you, can you just show yourself? I'm tired.
It's been a whole month. I have lost track of you and i don't know where to look for. I dumped the tiny bit of wisdom i had in the Pacific Ocean on the way to Orlando. As a exchange, i left a part of me in Orlando. Which part, i don't know. I am not complete, that's all i know.
I felt like a shadow the past month. I was everywhere and i was nowhere. I see no reason for my severe lack of concentraton but i have to accept the fact and improve the situation. That's all i know. I closed my eyes and looked up on a bench in Hong Kong Park today, muttering "where the hack is my spirit?"
God knows.
I have never felt as bad. More than one people had gave me such an comment: "incredibly good in practical work but weak in thinking." For the past twenty years, what have i done? I traced flying colors in my extracurricular activities column, and what? I was never the one who did the thinking. All i had done was work --- execute orders. An interesting metaphor from my sister, like horses in carts who act accordance to the whip of the owners (portrayal of her experience working in the government.) I can stand the cramps and stitches no more.
Shall i see my current state as a realization from my early life or ......... pre-lunacy? My bad performance in tests, exercises and work are not as bad a drag, it's my severe of-no-reason concentration problem which drives me to crazy. I constantly felt a state of incompleteness and me, not in the sense of soulmate incompleteness.
I don't know. I am tired.
I cannot deceive myself any longer. I never like translation.
I so want to go: i don't give a fuck of my translation bachelor degree, fuck the cert, i don't give a damn, and then what? I have lost track of myself. On the crossroad, there's nowhere to go. For a good five years, i thought psychology was what i should work my way up to. Somebody suggested social work that time. I was still fighting for psychology in my freshmen year. Then i knew, psychology in school is not what i expected. I will never like the lab and biology.
In more ancient times, i thought i could be a good writer. I could write pretty well and my chinese teacher used to recite my prose in class, pinpointed what was well-written. I dreamt that someday when i am a renowned writer, i could tell my interviewers: he is the teacher of my life.
I ended up in translation major. Period. I have to learn translation theories and philosophies. Period.
Except writing, the above two, i can be one hundred percent sure, are disciplines which i don't want to indulge in. I like literature, women's studies and art. So?
I D.O.N.' T. K.N.O.W.

P.S. Leo Koo said sobbingly early this year: ' I am really fond of singing.' This's what i am seeking for.